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Set Preferences on Windows

UPDF for Windows allows you to set the preferences for UPDF, making you process PDF files more conveniently and high-efficient. You can set your preferences based on your need and habit. It provides the following settings:

To open the preferences settings, click on the "File" from the menu and select "Preferences", or you can press "Ctrl+K," to open the preferences settings.

UPDF Preferences

General Preferences

In the General tab, you can set "Quit UPDF when all windows are closed": This option is disabled by default. If you need to enable this feature, it will end the application if you close all the PDF windows in UPDF. You can also select the Application Language here to change the UPDF language. But you have to restart the application when you change the language. After you relaunch the application, the language of UPDF will change to the language which you select.

general preferences

Commenting Preferences

Commenting Toolbar Setting

In the Commenting > Toolbar section, you can set the preferences for continuously commenting. You can choose one of them according to your need.

  • Keep the comment tools selected: Select this option to enable the feature of adding comments continuously.
  • Don't keep the comment tools selected: Selecting this option means that you cannot add comments continuously. You can single-click on the comment tool to add once, or double-click to keep comment tools selected.

Author: Name Used for Comments

When you add comments to the document, it will display a name with the comment. In this section, you can set the name used for comments. You just type the name in the text field to change or replace it.

Name Used for Comments

View Preferences

The View preferences allow you to set the default viewing mode. In the View tab, you can set the default page layout, default page zoom, default left panel, and default mode.

  • Default Page Layout

UPDF for Windows offers four types of Page Layout (Single Page View, Single Page Scrolling, Two Page View, Two Page Scrolling). Choose any of them as your default page layout. All of your PDF documents will be displayed as per your selected view.

UPDF Default Page Layout
  • Default Page Zoom

The "Default Page Zoom" option allows you to set the default page zoom. You can choose the page zoom by percentage or by height, width, or page fit (Actual Size, Fit Width, Fit Height, Fit Page, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 300%, 500%).

UPDF Default Page Zoom
  • Default Left Panel

You can also set the Default Left Panel based on your needs. The Default Left Panel offers three options:

  • Hide Sidebar: This option can hide the Thumbnails and Bookmarks panels by default.
  • Thumbnails: Selecting this option means that the Thumbnails will be visible to the left panel by default.
  • Bookmarks: It'll only show the Bookmarks to the left panel by default.
updf Default Left Panel
  • Default Mode

Default Mode contains three modes: Reader mode, Commenting mode, and Edit mode. It will enter into the corresponding modes you selected when you open a PDF by default.

UPDF Default Mode

Plugin Preferences

The Plugin preferences can let you see the plugin tools in UPDF. You can see the introduction and state of the tools.

plugin preferences
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