Although we can share or store multiple PDF documents with ease, sometimes we must access another PDF document while reading the first one. It is because of some relationship between the content of the two PDF files. The best solution to that is to attach PDF to PDF since it creates an attachment within a PDF file at a specific point. So, whenever you go through it, you will know exactly when to open it.
Although the procedure is not that simple, we have tried and tested multiple options, out of which we have deduced the 3 ways discussed below as the easiest and most successful ones for you to try.
Part 1. How to Attach a PDF to Another PDF with UPDF? (2 Ways)
UPDF PDF Editing tool brings features for attaching one file to PDF, allowing you to add your PDF file to other PDF files as an attachment. When using UPDF for this purpose, you can either add an attachment PDF or add a link to that PDF, and the process is very simple either way.
So, if you are looking to attach one PDF to another PDF document with UPDF, you must download it first and then you can follow either of the ways as described below:
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Way 1. Attach PDF to PDF Document Via Attachment
The first method is adding a PDF document to another PDF document as an attachment. The process of doing it is very simple since it only requires the following steps:
1. Open a PDF in UPDF and go to Comment mode
You need to open UPDF and then open your PDF document in it. Once the PDF is opened, click “Comment" from the left side to open commenting features in UPDF.

2. Add the PDF file attachment to your document.
Locate the “Attach File” button from the top menu bar that contains all the commenting options. After selecting this tool, click on the place in your PDF file where you want to add the other PDF. Clicking will open the file manager for you, where you can select the second PDF file to add it as an attachment.

Now, whenever you click the attachment button in PDF, that selected file will open without you having to open it manually from your file manager.
Video guide on How to Add Attachment to PDF on Windows
Way 2. Attach One PDF to Another PDF Via Link
Another method to add one PDF to another one is by inserting links, and you can UPDF to generate a link and insert the link of the one PDF to another one PDF file. Since you have added a link to that file, the other person can access it with the UPDF cloud. To use this method and enjoy UPDF Cloud benefits, download UPDF on your device before following the steps below.
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1. Open both PDF documents in UPDF.
You will start by opening both PDF documents in the UPDF application. First, open UPDF and open the first PDF document by using the "Open File" button. Then click the new tab button and use the "Open File" button to open the second PDF document.

2. Go to the second PDF and create a link using the sharing option
Now go to the second PDF document and click “Share this file with others." This button will reveal multiple PDF-sharing options, but you need to click on “Create" to generate a link, and once the link is generated, you can copy it.

3. Go to the first one and attach your link by editing the PDF
Open the first document and click “Edit PDF” > “Link." Now, you may click and drag the cursor over any part of the PDF to make it clickable. As you release the cursor, you will see 2 options, select "link to web," then paste the link of that PDF document that we generated earlier and save the PDF document.

Whenever we click on that clickable area with the link to the second PDF, that second PDF will be automatically fetched and opened for you.
What Else Can UPDF Do for You?
In addition to attaching PDF files to PDF, UPDF brings several other features, including:
- Commenting and annotations on PDF
- Editing PDF documents
- Creating, editing, and filling PDF forms
- Organizing PDF Pages
- PDF Page Tools including backgrounds, watermarks, and footer and header.
- PDF cropping
- Convert PDF to others and others to PDF
- Sharing via link, email, and QR.
- Password protection and security
- Read PDF aloud, etc.
With such amazing features and an easy user experience, UPDF will surely be your best choice for all PDF tasks. So, download the app and purchase the UPDF Pro subscription to experience all its features.
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Part 2. How to Attach PDF to Another PDF With Adobe Acrobat?
Adobe Acrobat is among the most popular PDF editing tools that one can use. It not only brings a complete PDF editing experience but also offers other intuitive features like attaching files to PDF documents. Using the file-attaching feature, you can attach a PDF file to any part of another PDF document. Moreover, it allows attaching media in the form of voice recording, which will make reviewing your PDF documents much easier and more productive.
To attach a PDF in another PDF with Adobe Acrobat, we use the Comment feature with the steps below:
1. Open Adobe Acrobat and put your PDF document in it
Launch the Adobe Acrobat application on your PC and select the storage option for fetching a PDF document to open it. For offline files, you can click "My Computer” and then click “Browse” to find and open a PDF document.
2. Click comment from the right-side panel.
As your PDF opens, Adobe Acrobat will show some quick editing options and tools on the right side of your screen. You need to click “Comment” from this menu to reveal the commenting options on top of your PDF document.

3. Click the Attach File button and select the file that you want to attach to the PDF.
Click the new attachment option from the top and select “Attach File" from the dropdown menu. Now, you can select the place in the PDF document where you want to attach the other PDF and select the second PDF file to add to the first one as an attachment. Once you are done attaching files, save the PDF document.

Part 3. How to Attach One PDF to Another PDF Online with Sejda
Sejda is an online PDF tool that allows users to merge PDF files, but it does not support adding PDF files, and there is no online tool that supports doing that directly. With online tools, you need to use the link to a PDF document that can be attached as a hyperlink. So, in this guide, we will use Google Drive to generate a link and then attach that link to a PDF document:
1. Generate a link to the second PDF with Google Drive.
We will start the process by going to Google Drive. Locate the PDF document in Google Drive and click the 3 dots on the top right of it to reveal options. In options, you need to hover your cursor over the "Share” option to reveal the “copy link” button. Once you copy the link to that PDF document, we can close Google Drive.

2. Open PDF with Sejda in Edit mode
Now open the Sejda online PDF editor website and go to “Edit" mode. To do this, go to the Sejda website and click “All tools." Now click "Edit" and upload the PDF document to which you want to attach the second one.

3. Add the link to your PDF and paste the link from Google Drive.
The PDF will open in editor view. Here, you can see a menu of tools on the top containing the "Links” button. Click it and select any area with your cursor to make it clickable. In the link properties, you need to select "link to external URL" and paste the Google Drive link here. Once you paste that, click the "Apply Changes" button, and your PDF will be ready for downloading.

Final Words
When you attach PDF to PDF, it means that you don’t need to share or save multiple PDF documents for one task. Whenever you must get the information, open the main PDF document with other PDFs attached to it, and you can open all other PDFs exactly when required. So, going through the most important information will become effortless.
Here, we discussed the 3 proven ways to do this, including both online and offline methods. UPDF is our best pick among all options, considering the features and ease of use it offers. So, if you also want to use UPDF for attaching your PDF documents to other PDF documents, download it and enjoy other features as well.
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