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How to Convert Word to PDF on Mac: 2 Methods for Swift Results

PDFs are the most preferred document folders at both academic and business levels. Editing PDF is a challenging task due to which a person writes content in Word format and then tries to convert it into a PDF file to prevent its formatting from changing. If you want to do the same, you must use a reliable tool. This article will discuss 2 methods by which you can convert Word to PDF on Mac. At the end of the article, we also introduce an all-in-one PDF solution to solve all your PDF needs.

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Method 1: How Do I Print Word to PDF On Mac?

Every person wants to get their work done without following lengthy and hard procedures. If you want to know how to save a Word document as a PDF on Mac with a simple procedure, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Open Word File on Mac

To get started, open Word on your Mac, and in the left panel, you will see the option of "Open." Select it and from the folders, open the file you want to convert.

Step 2: Convert Word Format into PDF on Mac

Once the file is opened, press "Command + P" or click on the "File" tab from the above panel and select "Print." Hereafter, from the Print interface, click on the "Save As" option from the bottom left of the window and then click on the "Save as PDF" option.

Step 3: Save Converted PDF File

Afterward, you will see a new interface on your screen from which you can edit the file's properties. You can change the title of the PDF, add the author's name and enter keywords and subjects in this window. Once done with editing properties, click on "Save," and your converted PDF file will be saved.

how to convert word to pdf on mac with printing

Note: With this method, you don't need to download a Word to PDF converter on Mac. However, you can't make further editing of the PDF documents if you don't have a professional PDF software. You can use UPDF to edit, annotate, organize, or protect your PDF document.

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Method 2: How Can I Save Word Document as PDF on Mac?

Converting Word to PDF format is common, and there is more than one method to do this. If you want to know how to make a Word document a PDF on Mac by Microsoft, a different method from the one mentioned above, follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the Word File

Initially, click on "Finder," and after this, locate the file you want to convert from the Mac folders. Once the Word file is opened, tap on the "File" tab from the above toolbar and select the "Save As" option.

Step 2: Save Converted PDF File on Mac

Following this, you will see a window on the screen comprehending many options. Click on the dropbox of "File Format," and from the option of "Export Formats," select "PDF." After this, click on the "Export" button, and your Word file will be saved as PDF.

how to save word document as pdf on mac

Can You Convert Word to PDF on Mac with Preview?

No, you cannot convert Word into a PDF file with a Preview. Preview is a built-in Mac tool that users mainly use to view PDFs, but sometimes they confuse it for a PDF editor. With Preview, you can view PDFs, add simple annotations and print a PDF file. You cannot edit, convert, or OCR PDF files with it.

The Best All-In-One PDF Editor and Converter on Mac

Having an all-in-one PDF editor that can do multiple comprise multiple features can save you time and effort. UPDF for Mac is a PDF editor by which you can edit your PDF file at your convenience. UPDF has a well-structured and user-friendly interface which makes it easy to use. Moreover, with the fast-processing speed of this tool, you can accomplish your tasks in no time.

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convert word to pdf on mac with updf

Every PDF tool costs a good amount of money for editing PDFs, but you can use UPDF at a very low price. If you buy one license of UPDF, you can use it across all devices, which is a good deal for professionals, businesses, and students. It is a widespread feature-rich tool that can assist you in many ways. Some of the prevalent features are listed beneath:

1. Edit PDF

By using the Edit feature of UPDF, you can enhance the productivity of your PDF and make it attractive for the readers. You can add and remove the content in your PDF efficiently. Moreover, you can manage the properties of text by changing its size, color and style. This tool allows you to add and edit images according to your criteria.

You can crop, rotate, extract, and delete the images in the document proficiently. If you want to add the reference for the information in your PDF, you can do this by adding a link. You cannot just add links, but you can also change their style and colors.


With the OCR feature, you can convert scanned documents and images into editable and searchable PDFs. OCR PDF can support 38 languages and offers precise and expected outcomes. You can perform three layout types of OCR: Text and Picture Only, Text Over the Page Image, and Text Under the Page Image. This PDF editor also allows you to detect the Image Resolution automatically.

3. Page Tool

Using the Page Tools offered by UPDF, you can improve the validity and captivation of your PDF file. Page tool comprises Watermark, Background, Header & Footer. You can add a customized watermark to the PDF file for the authority.

By adding backgrounds, you can give the document a more professional look. To enhance the outlook of the document, you can insert headers and footers in it. You can also customize the headers and footers and insert the date and page number.

4. Organize PDF

Navigating large PDF files is difficult, so UPDF allows you to organize PDF files for your convenience. You can arrange the pages, add new pages, and replace them with UPDF. Furthermore, extract the important pages and insert them into other PDF files. If the file is extra-large, you can split it into multiple PDF files by a number of pages. You can rotate the PDF page in both left and right manner.

For reorganizing the PDF, you can drag the page into its new position. If any area of your PDF page is beyond visibility, you can crop it and control the margin size.

5. Annotate PDF

Annotations are the most demanded feature of any PDF editor. With the Annotation feature of UPDF, you can maximize the readability of your PDF file. You can add comments to give instructions and sticky notes to take notes. No other PDF editor allows you to use stickers, but with UPDF, you can effortlessly insert stickers into a PDF file. If any unimportant information is present in the document, you can use the Strikethrough feature to cut out that text.

Moreover, you can add stamps to any section of the PDF file, and if you want to insert a specific stamp, you can create one. You can also add a type-in or handwritten signature in any PDF section.

The Ending

This article has provided you with multiple methods that you can adopt to convert Word to PDF on Mac on a PDF without any problem. This will help you preserve the formatting of your document. If you want to edit the PDF file that you have created, then you can use UPDF, which always provides the best results.

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