Word Environment Day is dedicated to highlighting the importance of the world environment to prevent the continuation of harmful activities in our ecosystem. It is highly essential to make our people aware of our environment's vulnerability and how we should take adequate measures to keep the environment healthy. Our surroundings and environment have a direct impact on our lives. So this article will serve its true purpose to make you know the detailed factual information about World Environment Day.
Part 1: What is the World Environment Day?
World Environment Day is widely celebrated across the world every 5th of June. This day is led by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), where almost 150 countries give their contributions by inspiring their people to protect the environment. The history of this day stretches back to 1972 when the UN assembly decided to put emphasis on the protective measures for nature and the environment. So, since 1974, World Environment Day has been observed with great honor and dedication across the globe.
Every year government institutions, social organizations, and educational platforms collaborate to raise awareness about this day and celebrate it with new annual themes. The issues highlighted on this special day mainly include water scarcity, global warming, pollution, and protection to preserve wildlife.

Part 2: What is the Theme for World Environment Day 2025?
In 2025, the World Environment Day theme is “Ending Plastic Pollution Globally", which holds great significance in uniting the people to take effective measures for the ultimate goal of ending plastic pollution. As Ridding the planet of plastic pollution is an important contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including those on climate action, sustainable production and consumption, protection of seas and oceans and repairing ecosystems and retaining biodiversity.
"Ending Plastic Pollution Globally" stresses the fact of promoting a recyclable lifestyle. It advocates that people reduce or avoid the use of plastics in their lives, so as avoid polluting the earth.
Part 3: What is the Host Country for 2025 World Environment Day?
Annually the host for environment day changes where official celebrations occur to spread a positive message. This year, the Republic of Korea will be hosting World Environment Day by collaborating with UNEP.
In 2025, the Republic of Korea will host the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. The negotiations aim to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, as mandated by United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 5/14 .
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea also focus on conserving natural and living environments, preventing environmental pollution, and conserving, utilizing, and developing water resources in a sustainable manner.
Part 4: Timeline of World Environment Day from 2010 to 2024
In this part, we will provide a series of the timeline for World Environment Day from 2010 to 2021, along with their respective descriptions:
In 2010, Rwanda played the host for World Environment Day with the theme “Many Species, One Planet, One Future." This year, more than $85,000 was raised for the protection and preservation of Gorilla in the host country.
India played the host in 2011 environment day by raising the slogan "Forests: Nature at Your Service" to shed light on the importance of greenery in the environment. To promote green life, people volunteered this year to plant millions of trees.
In 2012, the UN took a new initiative in introducing the green economy through the theme called “Green Economy: Does It Include You?”. Brazil hosted this year, and the aim was to inspire people to indulge themselves in a green lifestyle that supports environmental protection.
Food security and consumption were other alarming issues that were raised in 2013. Mongolia hosted this year under the theme called "Think Eat Save". To reduce the massive amount of food wastage around the world, the campaign targeted individuals to make safe food choices for adequate food production.
This year the theme “Raise Your Voices, Not Sea Level!” focused on the dangerous rising sea level that can be a threat to the island nations. Barbados hosted this year by shedding light on global warming and its direct impact on the sea levels.
“Seven Billion People. One Planet. Consume with Care” was the theme in 2015 that was picked through voting on social media platforms. Italy hosted this year with great dedication by highlighting the importance of planet Earth.
To tackle wildlife crimes, “Go Wild for Life” was taken as the slogan to prevent ongoing illegal wildlife crimes across the globe. Angola hosted in 2016 and raised its voice against the illegal wildlife trade that is destroying the wildlife increasingly.
Canada hosted in 2017 under the theme “Connecting Nature to People” to focus on the social cohesion for the preservation of the natural surroundings. The aim was to unite the people against the environmental issues that were targeting nature life.
“Beat Plastic Pollution” was the theme in 2018 to highlight the consequences of the usage of plastic around the world. India played the host this year to aware people about eradicate plastic usage in their daily lives to protect nature, wild and marine life.
China hosted World Environment Day in 2019 under the theme "Beat Air Pollution", which was an alarming environmental issue there. The aim was to design transformative policies that could avoid the rising problem of air pollution.
Colombia hosted environment day in 2020 through the theme called "Time for Nature". The purpose was to shed light on the wildlife extinction and harmful human activities that are destroying the nature of the world.
"Ecosystem Restoration" was the ultimate theme in 2021 for the World Environment Day that was hosted in Pakistan. Through this, a call of action was placed for all humanity to restore the ecosystems around the globe that got demolished.
Sweden hosted World Environment Day in 2022 under the theme of "Only One Earth." They focus on highlighting the importance of sustainable living in harmony with nature. This theme called for collective action to protect our planet, emphasizing that this planet is the only source of life, so on every collective and individual level, we must take care of it.
Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with the Netherlands, hosted the 2023 World Environment Day with the theme "Solutions to Plastic Pollution". The goal was to raise awareness and encourage actions to tackle the global plastic waste crisis.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the World Environment Day this year. Focusing on the theme :"Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience". This theme addresses the urgent need to restore degraded lands, combat desertification, and enhance resilience against drought. The initiative calls for global cooperation to implement sustainable restore ecosystems around the world.
Part 5: How Do We Celebrate World Environment Day?
World Environment Day can be celebrated on both collective and individual platforms by taking adequate initiatives. If you want to give your contributions to protecting your environment and opt for a healthier lifestyle, here are some of the suggestions:
Reuse and Recycle
To reduce the wastage of paper and plastic, recycling is the best technique. You can make environment day posters to aware the community of the importance of recycling. Instead of wasting material, specific locations should be made for recyclable items. At such places, people can take their items and can reuse them after recycling. Thus, the wastage of paper and plastic bags can be reduced with the help of transformative policies.
Prefer Carpooling or Bike Ride
The emission of carbon dioxide is constantly rising in our environment, causing air pollution. To prevent the unwanted emission of harmful gases, consider using bicycles to reach your schools or offices. Through bike rides, you can not only protect the environment from harmful gases but can also improve your physical health.
Furthermore, carpooling is another great idea to avoid unnecessary vehicles in the city. If a bunch of people is going to a similar place, they can use a single car instead of taking out numerous vehicles.
Adopt Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
Many experts have pointed out the beneficial importance of an eco-friendly lifestyle. You can take small steps in adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle, such as consuming less energy to prevent the emission of harmful gases. You should be careful and considerable in the food consumption by shedding light on the food wastage. Through social media, you can share tips with people to avoid food wastage at individual levels.
Moreover, you can shift to renewable energy for electricity and can invest in solar energy. You can conduct monthly donations of the food and cloth to the needy ones within your community.
Prefer Public Transportation
Another great way to avoid the excessive usage of vehicles in the city that are polluting the air is by using public transportation. Government should play its role in introducing comfortable and secure public transportation to the people so that individuals along with their families can travel with it.
Plant Trees
Trees and plants are the major sources of providing oxygen to human beings. Greenery also fights air pollution, and as a result, we can sustain an eco-friendly life. Plant trees at your homes, schools, and workplaces and also motivate others in plant drives. Educational and professional institutions should hold volunteer drives for planting trees so that citizens can give their maximum contribution.
Moreover, take care of the existing plants, trees, and gardens around you so that you can help the natural life to nourish completely.
Try Paperless Work
To avoid the unwanted wastage of paper, you can opt for eBooks and can read them online on various platforms. For example, you can use the tool UPDF - PDF editor to read documents and books in an enhanced user interface without the usage of paper. Also, paperless work can also prevent the cutting down of trees so that greenery would be preserved in our environment.
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Part 6: Quotes and Slogans on World Environment Day
In this section, we will share famous and useful World Environment Day quotes that you can use in your online posts or in environment day posters easily.
John Muir
Lady Bird Johnson
Robert Orben
Part 7: What is the Difference Between World Environment Day and World Earth Day?
Are you also confused between Earth Day and Environment Day? Both terms have similar goals, but they have major differences that make them apart. Environment day is celebrated on 5th June, whereas Earth Day is observed on 22nd April. The main focus of Earth Day is to celebrate the existence of planet earth which is the only home for living life. On the other hand, Environment Day is an UN-led platform that highlights the key environmental issues which are harming our surroundings.
Environment Day involves only one theme per year, whereas Earth Day focuses on multiple themes every year. Both of these days have different literal meanings, but they serve a similar cause to take adequate measures for the sustainability of planet Earth and its environment.
With the alarming threats of global warming, pollution, and wastage of food, every person should play their part in making the environment of our living places healthy for our upcoming generations. As human activities have direct consequences on nature life, World Environment Day is observed annually worldwide to highlight the key issues around us. This article has touched upon every detail related to the environment day, along with the suggestions to celebrate this special day.
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Mahatma Gandhi