Rémy Cointreau Cuts Expenses with UPDF

Rémy Cointreau, a French liquor company, saved 50K euros! They replaced their previous two solutions with UPDF. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Rémy Cointreau is a fantastic French company that makes and sells a wide range of wines and spirits. It all started in 1990 when the Hériard Dubreuil and Cointreau families joined forces to create this amazing company.

As the world turned more towards digitalization, Rémy Cointreau also got on the bandwagon and turned to not one but two digital solutions, Adobe Acrobat Pro and Wondershare. However, even though they were getting their day-to-day tasks done, things weren’t going as expected.

Eventually, they found an alternative solution, UPDF, which turned out to be better than both the previous ones.

Let’s see how opting for UPDF helped Rémy Cointreau cut expenses and streamline their workflow.

The Challenges That Rémy Cointreau Faced

Rémy Cointreau faced difficulties managing software costs and inefficiencies because they were using multiple tools. They mainly used Acrobat Pro outside of China and Wondershare within China. However, this approach caused several challenges:

  • First, the company wanted to find a unified solution to streamline operations and reduce the complexities of managing different software platforms.
  • Second, the increasing costs of Acrobat Pro, along with a 38% price hike for 2024, created a financial burden.

These challenges highlighted the need for a more cost-effective and efficient solution to manage their document workflows.


“We were using 2 products : Acrobat Pro and Wonder ShareWe had two challenges.
a. Find a single solution
b. Decrease the costs
WonderShare were deployed only in China.
Acrobat Pro in our other locations.
Acrobat is really expensive and Adobe applied +38% increase costs for 2024”

Mickael Boluen

The Solutions That Rémy Cointreau Found

After spending years paying hefty amounts of money for Adobe Acrobat Pro and experiencing a 38% increase in costs in 2024, Rémy Cointreau decided it was time to find a better and cheaper solution. Honestly speaking, investing in two different tools for everyday tasks was getting a bit impractical.

After careful research, Rémy Cointreau finally found a viable solution to their software challenges with UPDF!

This versatile product offers a single platform for all PDF-related needs, replacing the requirement for both Acrobat Pro and WonderShare, which really streamlined their operations. With UPDF's user-friendly interface and design, they can view all pages on one screen and easily navigate through them, making everything so much more efficient. Moreover, it is easy to move the pages per requirement.

Organize PDF files with UPDF

Plus, they expect to save over €50,000 annually by using UPDF. It’s a win-win situation!

And the best part is that UPDF has comprehensive features and competitive pricing, making it a compelling solution. Even though the company is still in the early stages of using it, the initial results are really promising.


“The simplicity of the interface, the design, and the possibility to display all page in a screen and move easily the page are the most beneficial features found in UPDF. Mainly, and it's too early to say something else, we win something more than 50k€ Adobe licenses costs”

Mickael Boluen

The Result That Rémy Cointreau Got

Rémy Cointreau invested in UPDF, and even though they haven’t used it for long, they have already seen positive results from using it.

Here’s a rundown of all the good things they experienced after implementing UPDF in place of Adobe Acrobat Pro and Wondershare:

Cost Savings

Rémy Cointreau estimates saving more than 50k€ in Adobe license costs alone. This is a significant reduction in software expenses.

Efficiency Gains

Rémy Cointreau was already on the lookout for a single solution. Therefore, the move to a unified platform like UPDF has not only streamlined workflows but also improved efficiency compared to managing two separate software solutions, i.e., Acrobat Pro and WonderShare.

User Satisfaction

Mickael specifically praises the simplicity of the interface, design functionality, and cost of UPDF. This suggests that users are finding the product easy to learn and use.

In short, Rémy Cointreau has achieved both cost savings and increased efficiency with UPDF.

To learn more about UPDF, you can download the PDF introduction about it here: "UPDF Overview, Highlights and Practical Business Uses"

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