1. What operating systems are compatible with UPDF?
You can download UPDF the following systems:
2. How much storage space is required for UPDF installation?
UPDF comes in various versions with differing package sizes. Here are the specific package sizes for UPDF:
3. Why is the installer stuck?
The installation can become stuck due to various reasons. It could be caused by network issues, conflicting software, insufficient system resources, etc. It's suggested to exit the UPDF installer, clear your computer's storage, close all other software, re-click the above UPDF download links and attempt the installation again. If the problem still persists, please contact us at
4. How can I change the installation language?
You can change the language in the bottom-right corner of the installer during the installation process. If you've already installed UPDF, you can still change the language by navigating to File > Preferences > General > Application Language on Windows or UPDF > Settings > General > Application Language on Mac.
5. Can I download and use UPDF on another computer/phone with the same account?
Yes, one UPDF account can be logged in across two desktops and two mobile devices simultaneously.
6. Can I download UPDF on Android without accessing Google Play?
Yes. If you cannot access Google Play and want to download UPDF on your Android Device, you can click here to download UPDF Android APK to your phone directly. Then, tap on the downloaded APK file to install it.
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*The pricing and available features are based on the specific plans you decide on.
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